Study latest Current Affairs in Hindi & Hindi GK from India’s No.1 Education & GK website
Best coverage of Daily Hindi Current Affairs in Hindi & GK 2019 & previous year’s hindi current affairs for all Govt. Exam preparation. Study current affairs in hindi by category & practice your daily Current Affairs in hindi & GK Quizzes for govt exams. Available in both Online & Offline mode. With over 1 Million downloads, it’s the most trusted app for Latest Current Affairs in hindi & GK for Govt. Exam preparation in Hindi.
** Study our Latest Hindi Current Affairs & GK and ace any Competitive (Govt.) Exam**
IAS 2019
SBI Clerk
IBPS Clerk
Govt. Job Interviews
** Key features of the App **
1. Study daily & weekly Current Affairs hindi recaps in less than 100 words.
2. Study Latest GK in Hindi by categories: National, International, Science & Technology, Corporate, Sports, Environment and Ecology.
3. Daily Current Affairs in hindi & GK Quiz in Hindi: Updated daily, Unlimited Quiz by topic in online & offline mode.
4. Offline Mode: Study Current Affairs & GK in offline mode, Works fast even on 2G network.
5. GK (General Knowledge): Study Hindi GK by category & extensive GK Lists. Get Hindi GK explanations for different topics updated daily along with daily GK Quiz for any Govt. Exam Preparation in Hindi.
6. Latest Current Affairs in hindi for Govt. Exams in Hindi Videos & Study Guides: Exclusive, simple to follow Weekly Current Affairs videos in Hindi. Study guides available for all govt. exam preparation.
In addition, the Hindi Current affairs & GK app also releases Weekly Current Affairs in hindi Videos that highlight the most important current affairs of the week. The video contains brief pointers that help the students boost up their competitive exam preparation.
** In a nutshell, this is the most useful app for **
Hindi Current Affairs 2019 & 2018
General Awareness (GA) 2019 & previous years
GK (General Knowledge)
Latest Current Affairs & GK category wise
Daily Current Affairs in Hindi and Latest Current Affairs for exam
Weekly Current Affairs Quiz in Hindi
Weekly Current Affairs in Hindi
Hindi GK updates by topic
GK in Hindi
GK Quiz in Hindi
So don't wait and Download the Latest Current Affairs & GK in Hindi app today.
Download it Now!!
Pelajarilah Urusan Terakhir terkini dalam Bahasa Hindi & Hindi GK dari situs web Pendidikan & GK No.1 India,
Cakupan terbaik Urusan Harian Hindi Terkini di Hindi & GK 2019 & urusan terkini hindi tahun sebelumnya untuk semua Pemerintah. Persiapan Ujian. Pelajari urusan terkini di hindi berdasarkan kategori & praktikkan Urusan Harian harian Anda di hindi & GK Kuis untuk ujian pemerintah. Tersedia dalam mode Online & Offline. Dengan lebih dari 1 Juta unduhan, ini adalah aplikasi paling tepercaya untuk Urusan Terkini Terbaru di hindi & GK untuk Pemerintah. Persiapan ujian dalam bahasa Hindi.
** Pelajari Urusan Terakhir Bahasa Hindi & GK terkini kami dan ace setiap Kompetitif (Pemerintah) Ujian **
IAS 2019
Kereta api
Petugas SBI
Petugas IBPS
Pemerintah Wawancara kerja
** Fitur utama dari Aplikasi **
1. Belajar harian & mingguan Current Affairs hindi rekap dalam waktu kurang dari 100 kata.
2. Pelajari GK terbaru dalam bahasa Hindi berdasarkan kategori: Nasional, Internasional, Sains & Teknologi, Perusahaan, Olahraga, Lingkungan dan Ekologi.
3. Urusan Lancar Harian di hindi & Kuis Kuis dalam bahasa Hindi: Diperbarui setiap hari, Kuis Tak Terbatas dengan topik dalam mode online & offline.
4. Mode Offline: Pelajari Urusan Saat Ini & GK dalam mode offline, Bekerja cepat bahkan di jaringan 2G.
5. GK (Pengetahuan Umum): Pelajari GK Hindi berdasarkan kategori & Daftar GK yang luas. Dapatkan penjelasan GK Hindi untuk berbagai topik yang diperbarui setiap hari bersama dengan Kuis GK harian untuk Pemerintah apa pun. Persiapan Ujian dalam bahasa Hindi.
6. Urusan Terakhir Terbaru di hindi untuk Pemerintah. Ujian dalam Video & Panduan Studi Hindi: Eksklusif, mudah diikuti video Urusan Mingguan Mingguan dalam bahasa Hindi. Panduan belajar tersedia untuk semua pemerintah. persiapan Ujian.
Selain itu, aplikasi Hindi Current Affairs & GK juga merilis Weekly Current Affairs di hindi Video yang menyoroti urusan terkini yang paling penting dalam seminggu. Video ini berisi petunjuk singkat yang membantu siswa meningkatkan persiapan ujian kompetitif mereka.
** Singkatnya, ini adalah aplikasi paling berguna untuk **
Urusan Lancar Hindi 2019 & 2018
General Awareness (GA) 2019 & tahun-tahun sebelumnya
GK (Pengetahuan Umum)
Kategori Current Affairs & GK terkini bijaksana
Urusan Lancar Harian dalam Bahasa Hindi dan Urusan Lancar Terbaru untuk ujian
Kuis Urusan Lancar Mingguan dalam Bahasa Hindi
Urusan Terkini Mingguan dalam Bahasa Hindi
Hindi GK memperbarui menurut topik
GK dalam bahasa Hindi
Kuis GK dalam bahasa Hindi
Jadi jangan tunggu dan Unduh Urusan Terkini & GK terkini di aplikasi Hindi hari ini.
Unduh Sekarang !!
Study latest Current Affairs in Hindi & Hindi GK from India’s No.1 Education & GK website
Best coverage of Daily Hindi Current Affairs in Hindi & GK 2019 & previous year’s hindi current affairs for all Govt. Exam preparation. Study current affairs in hindi by category & practice your daily Current Affairs in hindi & GK Quizzes for govt exams. Available in both Online & Offline mode. With over 1 Million downloads, it’s the most trusted app for Latest Current Affairs in hindi & GK for Govt. Exam preparation in Hindi.
** Study our Latest Hindi Current Affairs & GK and ace any Competitive (Govt.) Exam**
IAS 2019
SBI Clerk
IBPS Clerk
Govt. Job Interviews
** Key features of the App **
1. Study daily & weekly Current Affairs hindi recaps in less than 100 words.
2. Study Latest GK in Hindi by categories: National, International, Science & Technology, Corporate, Sports, Environment and Ecology.
3. Daily Current Affairs in hindi & GK Quiz in Hindi: Updated daily, Unlimited Quiz by topic in online & offline mode.
4. Offline Mode: Study Current Affairs & GK in offline mode, Works fast even on 2G network.
5. GK (General Knowledge): Study Hindi GK by category & extensive GK Lists. Get Hindi GK explanations for different topics updated daily along with daily GK Quiz for any Govt. Exam Preparation in Hindi.
6. Latest Current Affairs in hindi for Govt. Exams in Hindi Videos & Study Guides: Exclusive, simple to follow Weekly Current Affairs videos in Hindi. Study guides available for all govt. exam preparation.
In addition, the Hindi Current affairs & GK app also releases Weekly Current Affairs in hindi Videos that highlight the most important current affairs of the week. The video contains brief pointers that help the students boost up their competitive exam preparation.
** In a nutshell, this is the most useful app for **
Hindi Current Affairs 2019 & 2018
General Awareness (GA) 2019 & previous years
GK (General Knowledge)
Latest Current Affairs & GK category wise
Daily Current Affairs in Hindi and Latest Current Affairs for exam
Weekly Current Affairs Quiz in Hindi
Weekly Current Affairs in Hindi
Hindi GK updates by topic
GK in Hindi
GK Quiz in Hindi
So don't wait and Download the Latest Current Affairs & GK in Hindi app today.
Download it Now!!